After this program you will have the ability to show your employees, coworkers, family and friends how they can be their own heroes too.
The “A.L.I.V.E.” protocol for corporate employees, faculty, staff and students:
A = Assess: Stay calm and consider your options. Formulate a plan based on the current scenario.
L = Leave: If you are able to, leave. Get out of the dangerous area and leave your belongings.
I = Impede: If evacuation is impossible, find a place to hide and lock yourself inside. Block the agressors advance.
V = Violence: If the above options are not available; take action, arm yourself with what you can and prepare to fight for your life.
E = Expose: When the danger is over, come out calmly with your hands up and identify yourself to law enforcement and first responders, if needed.
In this training program you will learn to:
- Identify behaviors, causes and red flags typically associated with workplace violence and active shooter incidents before they occur.
- Better understand the mental process of an assailant preceding and during an active shooter incident.
- Develop enhanced situational awareness and a survival mindset.
- Survive an active shooter incident using the A.L.I.V.E. Active Shooter Survival Plan.
- Train employees to ensure that they know how to safely resond and survive an active shooter shooter or critical incident.
With the unfortunate occurrences of active shooters and senseless violence in schools and at work:
Are you prepared for the worst-case scenario? We can help you put a plan in place, and you may be able to take advantage of state funded safety grants, to secure your buildings, staff, sites, faculty, and our children. Active shooter survival training for corporations and schools of all sizes is an essential part of ensuring the safety and security of corporate employees, students, staff, and faculty. Such training helps individuals know how to respond effectively and efficiently in case of an emergency situation. It focuses on empowering individuals to make the best decisions in high-stress situations. It’s important to create a safe and secure environment while preparing for the unlikely event of an active shooter incident.
General outline of active shooter survival training
Preparation & Planning:
Corporations and schools should have a comprehensive emergency response plan that includes procedures for responding to active shooter incidents. This plan should be well-documented and regularly reviewed and updated. Designate a team responsible for emergency planning and response, including law enforcement, corporate employees, administrators, teachers, and support staff.
Establish clear communication protocols for alerting facility occupants about an active shooter situation. This could include public address systems, text messages, and alarms. Train staff on how to communicate effectively during a crisis.
Law Enforcement Collaboration:
Work closely with local law enforcement to develop strategies for responding to active shooter incidents. Conduct joint training exercises with law enforcement to ensure a coordinated response.
Tactical Emergency Casualty Care:
Train staff, including corporate employees, teachers, administrators,| support personnel, etc., on basic life saving techniques until emergency medical response teams arrive.
Faculty and Staff Training:
Train staff, including employees, teachers, administrators, support personnel, etc., on how to recognize potential warning signs and how to respond during an active shooter incident. Conduct regular drills to practice different scenarios and responses.
Student Training:
Age-appropriate training for students can include discussions on personal safety, recognizing signs of potential danger, and understanding the “ALIVE” protocol. Consider conducting age-appropriate drills without causing unnecessary fear.
Scenario-Based Training:
Use scenario-based training to simulate active shooter situations. Include role-playing exercises to help participants practice their responses.
Parent and Community Involvement:
Keep parents and the community informed about emergency response plans and procedures. Conduct informational sessions or workshops to address concerns and questions.
Review and Improvement:
Regularly review and update the emergency response plan based on lessons learned from drills and real incidents. Encourage feedback from staff and students to identify areas for improvement.