California has a new law called SB 553 to help protect workers from violence at work. This law means most employers need to have a written plan to prevent workplace violence. This is where the ALIVE program can help. The ALIVE program teaches people how to survive an active shooter situation and can be a big part of your workplace violence prevention plan.

According to Donavan Gallatin, President of Law Security & Investigations Inc, “Every business and workplace needs to protect their employees nationwide. It just so happens that California is leading the way since a California Senator was very passionate about gun violence and workplace safety. The consensus among security professionals is that this will very soon become a law in every state and possibly a federal requirement, and that California is actually ahead of the curve on this issue of workplace violence prevention.”  

What is the ALIVE Program?

The ALIVE program stands for:

A – Assess
L – Leave
I – Impede
V – Violence
E – Expose

This program teaches people how to handle active shooter situations using these five steps. After the training, you can show others how to be their own heroes too.

What Will You Learn in the ALIVE Program?

1. Assess: Stay calm and figure out what is happening. Think about your options and make a plan based on the situation.

2. Leave: If you can, get out of the dangerous area. Don’t worry about your belongings; just leave.

3. Impede: If you can’t leave, find a place to hide. Lock the door and block the attacker’s path.

4. Violence: If there is no other option, be ready to fight. Use anything you can to protect yourself.

5. Expose: When the danger is over, come out calmly with your hands up. Identify yourself to the police and first responders if needed.

Understanding the Threat

California is a state that is dangerous. By the end of 2023, California had had the most mass shootings in the United States. A total of 26 total shootings since 1982.


The ALIVE program helps you understand what to look for and how to react. You will learn to spot behaviors and red flags that could lead to violence before it happens. Understanding the attacker’s mental process can also help you stay one step ahead.

Building Awareness and Preparedness

The ALIVE program teaches you to be more aware of your surroundings and ready to act. You will learn emergency response protocols and take part in practical drills. These drills help you stay calm and make good decisions during a real emergency.

Creating a Culture of Safety

Having active shooter survival training is about more than just learning what to do. It’s about making safety a part of your company culture. Regular training and communication help everyone stay alert and prepared. This way, your workplace is safer, and everyone knows what to do if something happens.

Active Shooter Survival Training

Sadly, active shooter situations have happened in schools as well as workplaces. 2022 marked the worst year for school shootings: 332 people shot on K-12 school properties in 303 shootings! 

The data doesn’t show this slowing down anytime soon.


It’s important to be ready for the worst-case scenario. The ALIVE program can help you create a plan to keep your employees, staff, and students safe. You might even be able to use state-funded safety grants to help pay for this training.

Why Active Shooter Survival Training is Important

Active shooter training helps people know how to respond quickly and effectively. It teaches them to make smart decisions even in high-stress situations. This kind of training is important for creating a safe environment and being ready for any kind of emergency.

General Outline of Active Shooter Survival Training for Schools and Workplaces

1. Preparation & Planning:

   – Have a detailed emergency response plan for active shooter situations.

   – Make sure the plan is well-documented, reviewed, and updated regularly.

   – Designate a team for emergency planning and response, including law enforcement, employees, and support staff.

2. Communication:

   – Set up clear ways to alert everyone about an active shooter, like alarms and text messages.

   – Train staff on how to communicate during a crisis.

3. Law Enforcement Collaboration:

   – Work with local law enforcement to develop response strategies.

   – Conduct joint training exercises for a coordinated response.

4. Tactical Emergency Casualty Care:

   – Train staff on basic life-saving techniques to use until medical help arrives.

5. Faculty and Staff Training:

   – Teach employees and staff to recognize warning signs and how to respond during an incident.

   – Hold regular drills to practice different scenarios.

6. Student Training:

   – Provide age-appropriate safety training for students.

   – Conduct drills without causing fear.

7. Scenario-Based Training:

   – Use role-playing exercises to simulate real situations.

8. Parent and Community Involvement:

   – Inform parents and the community about emergency plans and procedures.

   – Hold informational sessions to address concerns and questions.

9. Review and Improvement:

   – Regularly update the emergency plan based on lessons from drills and incidents.

   – Get feedback from staff and students to improve the plan.

“Active shooter survival training is essential for any business or school. It’s about making sure people know what to do in the worst-case scenario, so they can stay safe and protect others,” says Charles Law, CEO and founder of Law Security & Investigations Inc. 

The ALIVE program is a powerful tool to help businesses in California comply with SB 553. By teaching employees how to survive active shooter situations, you can create a safer workplace and give everyone peace of mind. Investing in this kind of training shows you care about your employees’ safety and are ready for anything.